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Incremental Notetaking
之前看过一篇叫做Incremental note-taking的文章。
- 相比更新旧的想法,添加新的想法更好。
- 这样在笔记中会呈现一个思考的过程。
- 人类的记忆不是通过更新旧的而是通过添加新的而覆盖旧的。
- 不能回忆起来的想法是没用的。
- Apple Notes的问题在于人们通常在Apple Notes中记下内容,然后再也不去看他们了。在Apple Notes中也很难搜索。
- 不管是用什么方法,搜索、标签、双链等等,一个好的笔记系统应当能够让想法出入自由。
In other words, this database (like our memory) doesn’t update information by forgetting what was once true, and overwriting it with the new fact; instead, it simply remembers that the fact changed at some point in time. Using this approach, we can have a notes app where we only add new information, and never delete old ones. (With this approach, it’s also obviously extra-important for our tools to understand time.)